Everyday is a Fashion show and Nanyuki is the Runway!

In a time when fashion trends change before you can get the dang things off, many consumers (sure, “millennials”) have taken a one-done-thank-you-hun approach to wearing clothes. And there’s no better location than Peakplace Nanyuki to set up your new fashion

With a vibrant mix of tourists, local and international residents and visitors; all hungry for the latest fashion and beauty trends, you are sure to wow Nanyuki town with your unique retail therapy.

If you are passionate about fashion and have decided to open your own clothing store, Peakplace is an ideal location for your runway.

Leasing a clothing store requires much more than just a signature. Choosing the right location can make the difference between success and failure, especially in a business such as apparel, in which you depend, to a large extent, on foot traffic.

At Peakplace we are looking for you if you are a

  • Fashion and boutique store
  • Beauty and Makeup shop
  • Hair and beauty salon
  • Barber shop
  • Nail spa
  • Massage Parlor

Lease your next fashion and boutique store.